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Impact matters: at Breslin Public Policy and Breslin Social Impact we are committed to working with partners in the private, public and voluntary sectors on assignments, projects and programmes that enable individuals and organisations to maximise their social impact.
We are also developing a range of social impact programmes of our own, such as Give Five and Use Your Vote, and we’re actively seeking investors to work with us on these and other projects. Click on the logos on the right for more information.
Our specialist consultancies such as Transform Education, Transform Politics, Transform Communities and Transform Organisations give an idea of the range of our expertise – we are in the process of developing a dedicated web presence for each and an associated blog.
Our recent work on governance across the sectors showcases this approach. Click on the Transform Governance logo on the left and you’ll be taken through to, where we highlight a body of work that we are developing with a range of partners, a number of whom are showcased just under the logo.
We appreciate your interest, we’d welcome your feedback, and we’d love to work with you.
Place learning at the heart of the prison experience
In his latest Top of the Class blog, Tony Breslin turns his attention to prison education, or rather – in too many settings - the lack of it. Noting the prevalence of low levels of literacy and numeracy across the prison population, he calls for a statutory entitlement to education and/or training for all but those serving the shortest sentences and for a pilot project to model how this might work.
Recast vocational and technical learning as professional education
In his third Top of the Class blog, Tony Breslin calls for a complete rethink about the purpose and focus of so-called vocational and technical education and suggests that it is recast as ‘professional’ learning, a suite of qualifications and curricula that all young people can aspire to, rather than one that some fall onto as a result of academic failure.
Smooth the transition from secondary to further education
In his second blog for the Top of the Class series, Tony Breslin calls for a smoother transition from pre-16 to post-16 learning and greater collaboration between schools, colleges and training providers, such that young people and their families are much better prepared to make informed choices about how their studies progress beyond GCSE.
Rebalance the relationship between inclusion and attainment
In this opening Top of the Class blog, Tony Breslin argues for a rebalancing of education policy and practice, away from a narrow focus on score and grade driven ‘attainment-first’ practice, which increasingly serves only the ‘already successful’, to an ‘inclusion-first’ focus which recognises the importance of meeting the needs of all learners.
Top of the class: educational priorities for a progressive government
Tony Breslin announces the launch of a new series of election year blog posts from Transform Education, Breslin Public Policy and our partner organisations
Why building the capacity for lifelong learning can’t wait until school’s over!
In this latest in his series of Lockdown Blogs, Tony Breslin outlines how a culture of lifelong learning needs to be developed during the school years, and how such a responsibility, post-virus, could be transformative, both for schools and for relationships between professionals in the compulsory and post-compulsory phases.
Catch-up, recovery and the ‘water-cooler moments of childhood’
In this blog for Young Citizens, Tony Breslin argues that, in the rush to address curriculum catch-up, we forget to address the social and developmental losses of lockdown or, as he puts it. the 'water-cooler' moments of childhood: how does a six year old catch-up on a year of missed playdates, or how does a fourteen year old replace twelve months of corridor jostling and school yard banter?
In this blog, originally commissioned by publisher Routledge, Tony Breslin, the author of new book, Lessons From Lockdown: the educational legacy of COVID-19, considers the emergent challenges that COVID-19 presents for curricular catch-up and psychological recovery, and what these mean for schooling. The post includes a set of suggested action items for school leaders and their staff to consider and, more broadly, issues an invitation to all educational professionals to use the experience of lockdown to reflect on how we ‘do’ schooling.